The Power of Green Tea

The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Native to Asia, green tea originates from the tea plant, scientifically named Camillia sinensis. Green tea's potent antioxidant power aids in fighting the effects of free radicals within the body. There are substances in nature that can eliminate free radicals and many of them, like tannins, catechins, and flavonoids exist in green tea. Catechin is an especially potent free-radical fighter. Green tea polyphenols have powerful anti-cancer, heart and brain protective, and antibacterial properties. The most potent of these, epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, is present in very high levels in green tea and is vital for the prevention of cancer. Green tea's antioxidant power is second to none!

Weight loss - Research show that green tea helps to regulate hormones, increase energy expenditure, boost metabolism and has been proven to positively impact the body's rate of fat oxidation. Because the body's rate of burning calories is only about ten percent of daily energy expenditure, this increase translates into about 40% more calories burned per day.

Longevity - Japanese researchers used data from a national study of over 40,000 participants followed over the course of 11 years. Those who drank more than five cups of green tea per day had a lower risk of death from heart disease and stroke. This might explain why the Japanese have the longest life spans of any people on Earth.

Improved memory & cognitive function - Another Japanese study reveals that drinking copious amounts of green tea can improve memory and cognitive function. Studies have shown that the natural substances found in green tea have the potential to increase the capacity to learn and enhance memory retention. The use of oxygen during the metabolic process leads to the making of free radicals, which can damage brain cells over time. The antioxidants in green tea neutralize these free radicals and inhibit that damage.

High cholesterol - Green tea in known to help lower total cholesterol levels and can also improve the ration of HDL to LDL. Studies show that green tea drinkers have much lower cholesterol levels than those who don't drink green tea daily. It is thought that green tea lowers cholesterol by inhibiting the absorption of lipids during the digestive process, allowing them to be flushed from the body.
High blood pressure – Green tea increases the body's production of nitric oxide which opens up the arteries and aids in reducing blood pressure.